Punch Associates Discuss 3 Online Courses To Take If You Need Help Managing Money

As millions of online college students continue to struggle with debt, the problem surrounding the lack of financial knowledge in the U.S. is growing. Once those students graduate with thousands of dollars in long-term liabilities, they often face a tough road to financial freedom. Hence why many households who may not have been in college for decades still carry balances on outstanding student loans with mind-boggling interest rates.

Luckily, both regular and online institutions of higher education are well aware of the fact that their costs put a lot of their alumni in unfavorable positions. To try and help them, almost all four-year schools are now offering financial classes that can be taken as electives. That means that folks who are not majoring in finance-related fields will still get a chance to improve their knowledge about spending. So, what would be the most valuable online classes that someone can leverage to learn how to handle money?

Personal Finance

According to Punch Associates, one of the most popular elective courses for many programs boils down to some form of personal finance. In other words, nearly every online institution should have it in their catalog. The reason why personal finance is an outstanding alternative is that it includes an extremely versatile and applicable material. Students who take the class will learn about everything from some basic types of budgets all the way to proper credit analysis.

Another great benefit of this class is the fact that it comes in different levels. That means that those who pass the introduction course of personal finance can go further and explore more advanced money management strategies. At one point, they could even qualify for a minor or certificate within the subject area and boost their future marketability.

Cost Accounting

The next option that many people are unaware of is cost accounting. While a lot of face-to-face courses require students to have taken financial accounting beforehand, online programs’ requirements are a bit looser. In translation, one could probably find a class that touches on the same topics as cost accounting almost effortlessly.

The foundation of the material here will revolve around managerial accounting that professionals in the business field use to successfully run their company’s production, finance, and similar. Although it may seem slightly unrelated, students can certainly take advantage of the course to learn many types of budgets and proper ways to analyze spending variance.

Financial Technology/Business Information

Finally, Punch Associates advises folks to look into some type of financial technology or business information software course that is offered online. The reason why is that many majors outside of the field of business do not teach anything about programs that are great for data analysis. Well, learning how to use Excel spreadsheets, for instance, can be incredibly advantageous when it comes to things like budgets, spending reports, savings, and much more.

Another benefit of a technology-based online course is the fact that one does not have to be a computer expert to do well. On the contrary, learning the most basic and essential tasks on certain money management programs or apps only mandates attention, patience, and curiosity. Successful completion will also usually mean that one has just attained some lifelong talents that will always come in handy

4 Ways Student Loan Advocacy Is Making A Difference


Debt cancellation can give students a new lease on life. In 2008, Wall Street Banks enjoyed debt cancellation, but what about students? The student loan debt crisis is worsening.

Did you know that the student loan delinquency rate is 10 x times that of mortgage delinquency? The dismal job market has made it nearly impossible for graduates to find good jobs and pay off their student loans. Julie Queler – learn the 4 ways that Student Loan Advocacy is making a difference.

Knowledge Made America

George Washington Carver, Thomas Edison and Jeff Bezos are examples of American inventors, who changed the world. Through education, the most gifted can create valuable products and services, which will lead to incorporation. Thereafter, companies will employ workers and the entire community will benefit.

According to Forbes, 44 million American student loan debtors owe $1.5 trillion with a delinquency rate of 10.7%. Compare that to the 1.1% US average for mortgage delinquency (based on June 30, 2018 statistics) and you might begin to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Knowledge is one of the inputs for productivity. America cannot be great without an educated population. Here are 4 ways that student loan advocacy is making a difference:

  • Availability
  • Cost
  • Qualification
  • Educated Population

America’s education advantages are being threatened by the student loan debt crisis.


Just as financing has increased home ownership, it has also increased college graduation rates. Some students simply cannot afford college, neither can their parents.

If Wall Street bankers can have their debt cancelled, why not students? Canceling student debt would be even better than the 2008 bail out because this time, all classes would benefit.


There have always been personal education loans. The problem has been the cost for repayment. Government loan programs have lowered the cost of repayment dramatically. Now, the student debt crisis threatens to make education unaffordable.

And, if this continues, then there will be a trickle-down effect. Fewer students means that fewer professors and administrators will be needed. Student Loan Advocacy not only benefits students, but professors and administrators.


The wealthy can always afford college, but what about the poor? Inventors are not always children of the rich. Wise Americans have made education available to the most talented.

Scholarships have ensured that the poor can also enjoy the benefits of education. Public and private loans have ensured that student qualification is equitable. All Americans have equal access to education.

Educated Population

Naturally, an educated population will be more productive. Mechanics, plumbers, doctors and all of those with skills can improve the lives of all Americans. Small business owners increase the American Gross National Product (GNP).

Philanthropists need to have a caring heart, so they can empathize with the downtrodden. Heretofore, Julie Queler has demonstrated her compassion and effective methods in helping individuals succeed. Now, she is tackling Student Loan Advocacy, Reform and Restructuring. If America does not invest in its future, then it might not have much of a future.

Julie Queler’s Student Loan Advocacy can provide much-needed relief to the inventors, executives and leaders of tomorrow. All Americans should unite in continuing to keep education affordable. Make America great again through Student Loan Advocacy, Reform and Restructuring.

Six Reasons Child Support Payments May Be Modified

If you do not live with your children full-time, it is your legal responsibility to support your children financially. The amount of money you pay for child support depends on factors like your income and how much you and your custodial partner make combined. Since these factors change due to different reasons, there will be times you may need to modify the amount of child support you pay. The attorneys in Hunter Law P.A. believe that it is essential to pay child support without being pushed, and it should stop when a child turns 18 years old. Your personal child support attorneys should assist you when it comes to negotiations. In this article, you will learn the reasons child support payment may be modified.

1. When you happen to lose your job.

The moment you lose your job, it does not mean that you should stop paying your child support, but it is a significant factor in modifying the amount you pay. A judge factors in the amount of child support you owe, whether your job loss is permanent or temporary and how much the other parent earns. The lawyer you hire from Hunter Law P.A. can help you in adjusting the child support payment to an amount you can be comfortable paying. The same lawyer can also backdate your new payment to the date you first lost your job.

2. When you receive a raise.

Once the other parent discovers you have a raise at your place of work, they will want to modify the child support payment to a higher amount each month. You do not want the other parent to do so before you, therefore, take on the modification process so that you can provide precise information on what you can pay comfortably in regards to your new income. However, if you pay health insurance and daycare charges for children you do not live with, the child support payment will only be adjusted by a small amount. Open up to your Hunter Law P.A. lawyer and let him or her understand your condition. Your lawyer will most likely advise you to request for modification due to your pay rise so that you are fair to your kids. Carry proof of other payments as you visit your lawyer since such factors are considered when the child support pay rise is being discussed.

3. When your ex-spouse starts working.

The minimum wage for the custodial parent is put into consideration in many states, even if they are not employed. The purpose of doing this is to relieve the other parent of the duty of paying all the child’s needs. If the custodial parent starts working, you need to mention their new income when the child support calculations are being done so that your payments can reduce. Your attorney will be able to come up with a figure that you should pay and prove the custodial parent’s income as well depending on the requirements of the state you reside. Some parents can agree, saving them the time and costs of going to court.

4. When one or more of your kids stay with you.

When your child moves in with you, it does not guarantee that child support payment reduces. It is your responsibility to file for custody modification. If you are on speaking terms with your ex-spouse and you can prove that your child lives with you, go ahead and modify the child support to ensure that you are not paying so much money to your ex while you live with your child.

5. When there are increased responsibilities for the minor.

As children grow older, their needs increase. Specific needs like braces, a bicycle, and money for school trips may come up. A custodial parent is allowed to seek additional child support to help in paying the many expenses that come with an aging child.

6. An increase in familial responsibilities.

A non-custodial parent may move on with life and end remarrying and having other children. Therefore, a parent may seek to reduce his or her child support payments and only pay for one child so that he or she may focus on the other kids in the new marriage.


It is best to consult professional lawyers who have knowledge and experience in child support and child custody like those at Hunter Law P.A. to make sure you pay a reasonable amount. Trust these experts and you are assured that the needs of your kids will be met.

Teachers are Under Paid

With kids attitudes these days and the brake down of the family  in my opinion teachers are under paid having to teach these kids that are broken mentally and some times physically too.  They can become problems in the classroom disrupting teacher during class. They are becoming very dangerous children to teach as they get older they seem to act out more vigilantly.  When they are small the start by not being able to control there temper being loud not listening and making the teacher to have to spend to much time with disciplining and not teaching this in turn makes it hard for the children that want to learn harder because of these few child that have been lost to family dynamic. Ken Fisher is under paid too.

Red Payments Can Help Support Your School

Red Payment, a payment processing service provider,  offers their services to businesses small and large all throughout the United States. Red Payment also offers its benefits and services through schools that process, tracks and reports the come and go of money as it enters from the school to the bank. Reduce errors, paperwork, and transaction times with Red Payment’s processing solution service.


Red Payment has great reviews all around and looking at the company through NYC BBB.org you’ll find reasons why businesses love their services. Red Payment is here to help you as you are the merchant. Payment Processing can be difficult when dealing with the payment industry. If you are processing credit card transactions with Red Payments, be sure to understand all the payment processing fees and how the type of credit card processed may impact surcharge rates.

The Debt Relief For Struggling Teachers

Becoming a teacher has many great rewards and benefits if you enjoy educating and helping others. However, like most occupations becoming a teacher has it’s risks and one those risks and a common downside that many teachers share is they aren’t making enough money to pay off debt particularly from their federal student loans. At Student Debt Relief they assist struggling teachers every day to consolidate their federal student loans through The Teacher Loan Forgiveness program which is the most helpful of all the options for teachers the get out of their debt. If you need any additional help with to consolidate your credit, calling 1-800-656-4120 will get the answers you desire.