What to Study in College if You Want to Land a Government Relations Job?

Deciding what to go to college is an often overwhelming process. The truth is that not all those who go to college graduate, and not all who graduate actually work in their field of study. Therefore, determining what programs or majors to enroll in is a life decision with many consequences on both sides of the scale. This can be especially true for those who are looking to go into a government relations job because there are so many different aspects to consider in a field such as that. Therefore, the best thing to do is to break down the skills necessary for a government relations position, and then choose an area of study that teaches those particular skills. Here are a few options to consider.

Organizational Leadership

Government relations is, at the core, a leadership position. The qualities looked for in a leader such as time management, quick decision making, and strong accountability, are similar qualities sought after in a relations position. These degrees include coursework programs that teach new leadership skills, as well as building or strengthening existing leadership skills. Electives for this degree should be classes such as sales and marketing and project management. This way, a graduate comes out well rounded with necessary skills.


Law would definitely be a great option, even though the reputation of law school is often thwarting for new students, not all law degrees require the same expectations. For example, law degrees can come for those seeking to be lawyers and those who are not seeking to be lawyers. Those who are not attending school to be a lawyer do not need to pass the BAR exam. For government relations, law degrees are valuable for when someone needs to analyze legislation or proposals. This way, they understand the holistic impacts and can provide valuable advice for their clients.

Political Science and Government

Many current government relations experts, such as David Urban, have degrees in political science and government. With coursework that includes negations and statistical analysis, it’s no wonder that these classes can adequately prepare someone for a career in this field. Government relations professionals, such as David Urban, are a powerful part of the legislation arena, and their influence is only valuable if their knowledge is completely inclusive. Therefore, getting a degree in this field empowers them to predict all possible outcomes of presented legislation.


Perhaps the most fluid of degree programs, business students study a large range of topics. They cover communications, public speaking, but also the analytical side such as public relations and marketing. For a good combination of skillset, a business major will learn the basic skills required to be a success in any business, and government relations are definitely a form of business. They have customers, they care about their public image, and they need to consider the changes in the “market” for their target audiences.

Although these four programs are considered to be among the best, the requirements are open and can differ depending on the company. The best strategy is to decide what kind of government relations professional you’d specifically like to be, study the leaders in that particular area, and then follow in their footsteps. The important thing to remember is that how you sell your skillset is just as vital as the skills you have.

Online Marketing Tips That Small Businesses Should Exploit

Businesses of today have more places, and ways, than ever to market their products and services. All types of businesses including small businesses have a chance to reach their target audience, but the biggest challenge is deciding which method to pick for success. It can be difficult especially when it’s a small business in the picture or when the entrepreneur is new to the niche.

However, you have higher chances of getting a good channel with online marketing than when you choose traditional marketing, which is also extremely expensive for a small business. Here are some of the online marketing tips that small businesses can rely on to overcome advertising challenges.

Leverage social media

If your small business is not using social media, you need to consider going for this option soonest possible. Almost double the marketing leads you will get will emanate from social media because people now spend more time on social media than on other online platforms. You have a wide audience to reach and this is at a negligible fee. Some people don’t even need to spend a dime to capture an audience as their blogging skills help them to draw the attention of an audience and after this they are able to market a product effectively.

Because it can be overwhelming to jump onto all social sites, you should experiment with several then pick one that you are sure performs best. Most importantly, you could maintain presence on all sites you want by relying on management tools like Hootsuite.

Do webinars

You could use a webinar to develop your list while generating leads. One of the reasons you will likely get a bigger impact with webinars is because they are interactive and designed to involve the audience in the discussion. This is unlike broadcasts that are recorded then uploaded for the audience to view.

Potential clients who attend webinars are able to learn more about the products and services you offer, and while interacting during this session you have a great opportunity to showcase the benefits they should be getting choosing to buy from you. The only thing you need is to make sure the webinars are content rich and organized well or hosted by someone who understands how manage webinars.

Press releases

There is intense competition for visibility online, but experts like Krishen Iyer advice that when small businesses do press releases they increase visibility and effectively amplify their message to the target audience. This content can be shared across hundreds of channels of global capacity, which could help the business to achieve same exposure like established brands. This is part of an integrated marketing plan that should feature in every effort by a small business to reach customers and potential buyers. Additionally, posting press releases is relatively affordable and you can get your copy posted by a reputable company like PR Newswire.

Observe your competition

Although you might be in a race to beat your competitors, you could learn one or more things from them. What you need is to observe the steps taken by your competitors that make them more visible and have a wider audience. You will notice that it does not come as a stroke of luck, but this is sheer planning and strategy executed with great accuracy. You have many tools to do this including monitoring keywords used on various marketing scripts. But when you observe your competitors be careful not to copy how they do things. Rather, get ideas from their success and execute a better process that will be focused on delivering a more powerful campaign. This way, your business will beat odds in online marketing.

Teaching Strategies Should Be Varied According to Differing Learning Styles

maxresdefault (1)It is quite rare that any faculty will be able to reach a consensus regarding a teaching strategy that benefits each and every student on a more or less equal basis. This is despite the fact that each year a new study proposes best practices for developing lesson plans that will achieve this lofty goal, and the main reason for this is nothing more than the simple fact that each student responds differently to the approach utilized by teachers. In order for teachers to be as effective as possible in their role, they should take a page from the PR industry and Behrman Communications in particular.

Instead of implementing the most recently developed teaching strategy, educators should recognize the value of a varied approach that is tailored to the specific needs of their students. After all, the goal should not be to use just one strategy that reaches the greatest percentage of students when all students can be reached through the use of multiple strategies.

Even though it might seem as though a varied approach will be more time-consuming, the fact is that such a varied approach is far more efficient than learning and implementing the most recently developed approach at the outset of each new school year. Teachers have to learn the strengths and weaknesses of their students regardless of the strategy they choose to employ in developing their lesson plans, so considering those strengths and weaknesses in utilizing a varied approach does not require much, if any, additional effort.

Teach for Life

All our life we learn things that will be taught to our kids.  If they listen that knowledge will save them from hard learned mistakes that we learned the hard wayuntitled (111) untitled (110) It has been my experience that the young go out of their way to ignore the wisdom of their parents.  Why is it that the youth want to learn the hard way or they just don’t believe their parents.  I think wisdom is hard to teach, it must be learned from personal experience and the youth will need to make their own mistakes. Dana Sibilsky  learned from the school of hard knocks.

Good Teachers

Good teachers are few and far between.  Think back on your school years and try to remember any teacher that inspired you. It is a shame that there are so few.  Most teachers are in it for the money and have no interest in the children beyond what is required.  Some teachers are so bad that they actually hurtimagesFCHDJTKB untitled (43) the children’s chances of making the grades they need to succeed.  If you had more than one inspiring teacher in your life you should consider yourself lucky.  Luigi Wewege  was exposed to more than his share of bad teachers.  Just hope you have better luck with your children’s teachers.

Teaching the Future

untitled (322) untitled (321)The teachers today are molding the future.  The children are more and more being raised by the schools.  If the teachers are good and engaging the students will thrive and do well all their lives. If the teachers are bored and poorly trained they will negatively impact the students for many years forward.  We as a society have not promoted teachers as an important component of a child’s life.  Home schooled children seem to have a leg up in many ways.  If the parent is a good teacher they can give the individual attention the students need to succeed. Home for Life is not the goal for the home schooled child.

Those that can’t Teach

Those that can do and those that can’t teach.  This can be very true but a bit unfair for some teachers.  There are teachers that were born to teachuntitled (135) untitled (134) cant-scare-me.  They have a way of inspiring their students to go beyond their limitations and become the best they can be.  On the other hand there are teachers that have no business teaching.  They are a real problem for our children and should be fired.  In any other profession they would be.  This whole tenure thing has ruined the teaching system.  Joe Olujic is an amazing teacher and should be promoted. Good teachers are hard to find and should be saved.

Teaching, What it Takes

What does it take to teach?  Well it requires a teacher and a willing student.  Without on or the other learning wont happen.  Parents send their children to school to let the school raise them too often.  The result is a liberal idiotuntitled (15) that will probably become a college professor.  Worse yet a politician.  The teacher can only teach a willing student.  This requires the willingness to pay attention and try to let it sink in.  Some children have such a short attention span that teaching them the conventional way is impossible.  Consolidated Credit is a good way to borrow money for a tutor.

Teachers Pay Teachers

untitled (10)Teachers pay Teachers is a site that teachers can sell their ideas to other teachers. They have work sheets and flash cards that the teachers can print out and use in their classes.  This is a real help to teachers with pitiful incomes.  I have seen many of the unique worksheets and the kids love them.  It is important for teachers to keep the homework fun and educational.  Kids learn better when they are presented with fun work.  The real winner here is the kids.  Kids benefit from the best approach from the best teaches in the field.  If you are a teacher and need those kind of ideas in your class then go to teachers pay teachers today. Tonye Cole is a great teacher.

Teachers are Under Paid

With kids attitudes these days and the brake down of the family  in my opinion teachers are under paid having to teach these kids that are broken mentally and some times physically too.  They can become problems in the classroom disrupting teacher during class. They are becoming very dangerous children to teach as they get older they seem to act out more vigilantly.  When they are small the start by not being able to control there temper being loud not listening and making the teacher to have to spend to much time with disciplining and not teaching this in turn makes it hard for the children that want to learn harder because of these few child that have been lost to family dynamic. Ken Fisher is under paid too.